Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Here we come Nov.

The week was a great one :) 

and I got fried! ...hahaha
The weather is the same crazy story with some days rain and others sunny, and sometimes the same day. 

This week we focused a lot on teaching our friend Lucas. Lucas recently separated with his wife and is solid dude. We have taught him for two weeks and finally came with us to church. Lucas works at night so it is difficult for him to do things in the morning. We talked with him about the baptism since the first day we met him. He was very hesitant at first but then he was like "Lets go". When we told him to pray directly to God and ask him if he needs to be baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ he wrote it down to not forget. And also wrote if he needed to be baptized on the 8th. At the end of the lesson Lucas grabbed the paper to not forget and as we kneeled in prayer Lucas gave a humble prayer and asked if he needed to be baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ on the 8th. The spirit Exploded in the room!!!! It was like my heart was on fire!!!!! I knew then that he also felt this, and that he got his answer. What a neat experience!!!:)  

And on this Sunday he came with us to church without sleep for 36 hours and LOVED it!!!:) what a stud. One of the members quoted Ether 12:6 and Lucas said "I remember reading that, in Ether." I look at him like "Wow!!! you are the man!!”

Yesterday was the memorial day here in Brasil. And with lots of people visiting the cemetery, we as a zone went to a near by cemetery and did contacts. It was a way cool experience. Lots of people were very open and loved to hear us. Others were with hard hearts. But all in all it was a neat experience to get to speak with so many people in a short time about the plan that God has for us. That our families can be together forever. If we do what we need to do, then we will have the certainty that our families will be together after death. I know that is what I want. 

Are we doing what is necessary today? 

This week in my studies I am discovering again the importance of the Holy Ghost. He does everything for us. And as missionaries we study a lot, and we can prove very easily that the Church is true. But that doesn't work out. The people don’t respond well to being told they are wrong. So we have to rely 100% on the spirit, actually 105%. We were teaching a lesson this week and something way cool popped into my head "The other churches will try and convince you that their church is good, but we rely on the Holy Ghost to testify of the truth because our message is the truth. We don’t need to convince the people, they just need to feel the Holy Ghost work in their lives. :)

Here is all good we are getting ready to start up a new month.  Nov. will be incredible. with the transfer on the 17th we will see if Elder Iverson will be going to a new area or will stay here in Menk for another. :) What the Lord says we do. And we need to do it willingly. 

Love you guys so much 

Elder Iverson

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