I received my first Tom Cruise reference the week past. An Irmã in our ward was just talking to me and stopped, and said, you know what, you look like Tom Cruise :) haha I just smiled and agreed :)
Also I have decided that when people point here they purposely choose the opposite way, and point 180 degrees the wrong direction. It really bugs, when people are like 100 meters from something in their house, and they point the opposite way, I just think "This is impressive, you are literally pointing the exact opposite way."
I am emailing today because it is a day of the temple. Again the temple was wonderful. I am understanding a lot more, and the people are awesome in the temple :) Honestly it is weird but English was hard to speak this week. Elder Jacobson and I were talking in English because we were going to teach in English. The lesson fell through, but we were practicing and I kept saying words in Portuguese. This makes me nervous for our chat on Christmas day; I think you will laugh at my english and thats alright :0 .
We had a split this week, I was with Elder Jacobs'e'n and I got my first taste of real Brazilian rain. It was crazy. One minute it is fine, and the other there is rivers in the streets and lakes at the bottom of hills :) And it would stop and start, and stop and start, until finally it came with such force for 30 min. We were in the garage of a guy, and we just talked about the rain, the gospel, and other things. He didn't want to hear,more but we left contact info, and he said we could pass by.
They also made us some killer pancakes :)
In the world of investigators, we have Romario, the smoker. He smoked 50 cigarettes everyday, and he says he is slowing down, and I think he is trying. In one week he dropped to only 5 a day, and he keeps saying that this is the last one. We will see we are praying for the man. He is 20, he loves the idea of church and has been at church the past two weeks. He has a kid now, and he is worried about the whole chastity thing. But he is trying and he wants to get baptized, so we are passing his house a lot :)
His roommate Luciano, is a little less strong willed and didn't come to church this week, last week he did. But they are awesome and let us stop by whenever we want.
We met a new family that is awesome, two kids with a 9 year old girl and a little boy with special needs that is 5. He is awesome, we taught the Restoration and they loved it. We know because the 9 year-old is reading and is already a few chapters in the LDM!!! Awesome, we have another meeting with them wednesday (tomorrow :) But the coolest experience happened when we were teaching them. The youngin, Gabreil, was coloring and drawing in a notebook the entire time, and not really paying attention, but when we left and were saying good bye, he came up and gave me a hug... (shhhhh don’t tell presidente... ;) It was so so cute :) love the youngin already.
For the spiritual thought of the week:
I have learned one thing really fast here in the mish, everyone is dedicated until Sunday morning at 9 ;) haha I say this with a half way joking attitude, but it is serious. We prove ourselves when we have to do things we don't like and we aren't used to. So are we doing the things that are a little out of our comfort zone to be better members of the Lords Church??
I have said it before, but Alma 26 is my favorite!
Also, don't forget to PRAY PRAY and when you dont want to PRAY, PRAY harder!
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